Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Breaking Dawn..

Lately, I've been reading Breaking Dawn. I hate when I read a Twilight book.. Because I start to face reality of what REAL Love is. I know. How can a fictional book depict REAL Love? Well every fake or fictitious thing is based off something real. The connection between Edward and Bella is soo strong, I can feel it through the words on the page. That's what I want.. A strong love. Or maybe subliminally, this could mean that Love is a factious thing? A state of mind if you will.. No doubt, the POWER of this state of mind is beyond all comparison to any human ability.. But something about Love, doesn't seem Real to me..

Granted, it could just be the Love that I have received that is fictitious, but then I look at the others around me "in love" and I see their boyfriends cheating like crazy and I have no clue how that could be Real.. Maybe it could just be that they fell victim to falling in love with  the wrong person.. I mean not everyone can fall in love with a vampire. I can honestly say.. I DID fall in love with a vampire before.. He wasn't the Edward Cullen type, although he had his many traits.. Irresistible looks, infallible sense for my feelings, had me completely wrapped. That was the Realest love I ever emitted from my soul.. But unlike Bella Swan, mine turned to a lie.. I didn't get the fairytale ending quite as she..

Then I often get the question about the "Relationship" I'm in now.. Am I REALLY in love and is it Real.. Honestly.. There's only ONE person that knows the true answer to that in detail.. I shall NEVER reveal my true thoughts on the matter.. But I do know that what I feel for him is real.. As far as his behalf? Who knows? I only know what he TELLS me and what he shows.. Sometimes.. Most of the time, though, they contradict one another.. But who am I to question one's Love right? I'm rambling.. But that's what you're here to do.. To read my rambles and FEEL what I feel.

So Really then.. Is Love Real? I swear the world will NEVER know..

1 comment:

  1. Right second time round. Love is not fictitious. It's a choice and an action, not just a mere state of mind. Love "is husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body." Ephesians 5:28-29. And for a man to dwell with your spouse with understanding. It is esteeming the other above yourself and involves a lot of humility and dying to ones self. Love is selfless. Obviously both people have to show it or else it's totally one sided. A man who loves a woman should one see her as a daughter of God. So he should be scared of mistreating, betraying and hurting her. I've been there. Lol. I wanted to be on my best behaviour. Lol. Also if he is honest with himself, he'll see his imperfections and realise that God made room for his imperfections with scope for change. He too should treat his wife that way and accept her with her foibles.
    I'm not just talking air, I've been there and doing so pays dividends for me. Lol. But honestly if one doesn't understand God's love, then it's gonna be hard to love someone else adequately.

    M. Lowry
